Upcoming Events
Space Happy Hour - Weds June 26
If you want to be the first to know, sign-up for future events, as all events are published to the email list first and events reach capacity quickly, or follow Space Happy Hour on LinkedIn.
Print and Post a flyer for the June 26 event to your company breakroom to share with colleagues.
What is Space Happy Hour all About?
The mission of Space Happy Hour is to "connect space industry professionals across the globe." We hold amazing networking events about once a month in cities with a significant aerospace industry.
Your favorite space celebrities are having a blast at Space Happy Hour, we're sure you'll have an amazing time and make some great connections.
Check out our FAQs page
Why your company should host an event:
It's an amazing platform to recruit top talent.
An awesome opportunity to showcase your company.
Exclusive networking with top minds and vendors in the space industry
Interested in hosting a Denver area Space Happy Hour?
Use our Contact Us page for final details and get your company on the calendar.
Sample of previous events in other cities: